Genres: BxB romance, Roaring 20s, comedy, drama Your Dry Delight also features a somewhat different approach to routes: while there are technically 2 romance routes, they tie together at the end of the story, resulting in a single ending. Your Dry Delight is a small, noncommercial game by Argent Games! As a historical romantic comedy, it focuses primarily on a lighthearted atmosphere, but we've also striven to be historically accurate and touch on some deeper themes related to Prohibition. Il est bien décidé à traquer ceux qui enfreignent la loi en vendant illégalement des boissons alcoolisées, jusqu'au jour où il attire l'œil d'un gangster dont le charisme ne laisse pas indifférent…
Richter et son mentor, Leslie, sont des détectives privés chargés de faire respecter la loi de la Prohibition à Cleveland, une ville dans le Midwest des États-Unis. However, when Richter catches the eye of a charismatic mob boss, To help enforce Prohibition in Cleveland, Ohio. Richter and his boss, Leslie, are private detectives hired